[Megaplex-1] Mise à jour du firmware
MP-1# copy tftp:// sw-pack-2
Are you sure? [yes/no] _ y
*****! Starting file transfer...*****
*****tftp://.../megaplex.bin copied to sw-pack-2 successfully*****
*****14191114 bytes copied in 124 secs (114444 bytes/sec)*****
MP-1# show file copy
Network to Device, Ended OK
Src: tftp://.../software.bin
Dst: sw-pack-2
Started: 2022-10-28 14:33:50, Ended 2022-10-28 14:35:54
Transferred:14191114 bytes in:124 secs(114444 bytes/sec)
MP-1# admin software install sw-pack-2
! Device will install file and reboot. Are you sure? [yes/no] _ y
MP-1# --------Device reboot----------